ORDERVILLE was established by the LDS Church in 1875 specifically to live the "United Order," a voluntary form of communalism defined by Joseph Smith. One of the most talked about items of United Order history is the communal dining hall, where every man woman and child ate their meals together. With so many mouths to feed, soup was an easy meal to make. Hence Orderville's nickname: "Soup Town."
We celebrate our heritage each year with Soup Town Days, a time for family, friends, and visitors to gather together for fun, fellowship, and of course delicious soup!
FEATURING: Soup Contest, Pioneer Booths, Wiffle Ball Tournament, Easter Egg Hunt, Lawnmower Races... and more!

Interested in running a Pioneer Demonstration booth? We're looking for demonstrators for things like making bread, making candy, weaving, quilting, making soap, etc. USE THIS LINK or scan the QR code to sign up to be a demonstrator, enter the Soup Contest, or to volunteer to help out with the festivities.


Vendor space is available for this event. Contact Emalene Lake at souptowndays@gmail.com.